Saturday, January 30, 2010

DD#17: A long day

I finally got to see Avatar 3D at IMAX. I wanted to watch the movie with a man I was seeing - someone I thought might be a good match. We made a deep connection and I had hopes for what we could be as a couple. I re-scheduled seeing it a couple of times because we wanted to see it together - a shared experience to invest in our memory bank for our future. It was a good intention, but he's no longer in my life.

I still wanted to see the movie with someone I love as a shared experience. Today I saw it with people I love very much - my sister and my niece. Both had seen it before but wanted to see it again. My sister is an artist and considered it a "visual feast" to be enjoyed multiple times. I admit that it was a unique movie and I'm glad I saw it with them. They'll be in my heart and life even if I never meet the man who's the best match for me...

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