Tuesday, August 18, 2009

God/Goddess' Food...

Body/Mind/Soul: On March 12, 2008 I made a commitment to my mind/soul to finally honor my body. In my past, I limped along thinking if I had the mind/soul part all going on, the body part would just happen. That good ol' magical thinking - I can have what I want without having to DO anything different. I didn't want to acknowledge that I was completely addicted to my eating habits and unwilling to change them.
I (my mind) knew all the rules of healthy eating - how to get a healthy body and maintain it. There was nothing I hadn't tried - no diet, no pill, no exercise plan - and no amount of money I hadn't spent in search of a right size body. I spent years agonizing about my weight and all of my physical defects. I constantly put my life on hold - "when I lose this weight I'll (fill in the blank)". I avoided life because I was too fat to enjoy it.
Since March 12, 2007 I have lost 60+ pounds and am in a right size body with a healthy relationship to food. My life has changed dramatically and I'm healthier than when I was 25! I only eat "God/Goddess' food" now. If it grows as God made it, it's OK. If it's a result of human interference, avoid it. There are a few more rules I follow, but just a few. This is a lifestyle change that has been simple (not always easy) - just simple. Simple foods become simply delicious when you remove all of the man-made "enhancements".
The thing that I heard deep in my soul that completely opened me up to the possibility that I could choose to make a difference in my eating was a simple prayer someone shared with me. It shed light on my thinking and cleared the way for me to step into a new way of thinking, being, acting, living. I'll share that prayer with you and maybe you will hear it, too.
"God, please set aside everything I think I know for an open mind and a new experience." I became willing...

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